Our team worked with Detroit Designer Caroline Groeneveld to launch her debut 6-Collection on the Shopify eCommerce platform. The site includes some customization and configurable products, as well as a password-protected area where retailers and buys can download her spec sheets and line sheets.
We launched North of Grey with a reveal at Birmingham’s Robert Kidd Gallery, where individuals could browse or put in pre-orders. Our team also got the North of Grey brand off the ground with a series of 20 Instagram posts, letterhead and stationery, and exclusive packaging for the exclusive hand-bag collection.
In order for users to better understand how the two bags work seamlessly as one, Sumo Sweet directed a video shoot featuring how the Modern Tote & the Shoulder Bag work together to become the Match Bag. The video was shot in one day and features the song, Discover Infinity, a remix by Azura Music.